
9 déc. 2019 à 15:56 de charlescur...@charlescurley.com:

> There is a handy password generator available on Debian, called APG
> (Automated Password Generator), which will generate passwords for you.
> The default settings yield a fairly strong password, but you can modify
> those to make the results even stronger.
Thanks, didn't know so much about CLI password managers.
Personnally, I like GUI ones, especially, I've been using KeePassXC for 1,5 
year and I'm very satisfied with it.
Previsoulsy, I used KeePassX but I changed because it wasn't maintained...
And before that it was KeePass.
=> In short, I've always been loyal to "KeePass*" family ;p

9 déc. 2019 à 19:13 de a...@cityscape.co.uk:

> How about not having to remember (or write down) any passwords for
> the places you log in to?
> https://masterpassword.app/
> Not in Debian, unfortunately.
However, I presume that a specific password modification should not be very 
easy because it seems you rely on a rather fixed encryption seed...

9 déc. 2019 à 21:17 de jhas...@newsguy.com:

> Bruce Schneier recommends writing passwords down and then keeping the
> document containing them secure.
I see at least one main drawback, especially in private life/context: you need 
to have your "document" with you at any time while being secure.

10 déc. 2019 à 00:35 de cele...@gmail.com:

> I don't want to have to constantly enter a master password to access my
> passwords. pass recommends using gpg-agent, but then how much does one
> really gain by the encryption? I use full disk encryption (cryptsetup /
> LUKS), so the password file is secure at rest, and when I'm actually
> using the system, if gpg-agent is used, then anyone with access to the
> machine can access the password file anyway.
I think it's part of defense in depth (onion model).

Best regards,

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