On Tue, 31 Dec 2019 17:00:14 +0300
Reco <recovery...@enotuniq.net> wrote:

>       Hi.
> On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 02:11:06PM +0100, Markus Grunwald wrote:
> > But, there is a problem: I have to put the plain mail password in
> > /etc/msmtprc, because the normal user won't be there to unlock a gpg
> > file or give msmtp the password in any other way. That means, I want
> > /etc/msmtprc to be only readable by root (440). But then, users other
> > than root (nobody maybe?) won't be able to send mails...


> If msmtp somehow fails you - consider using exim4, which passwd.client
> file should not be readable by ordinary user at all.

Or postfix, which works similarly.


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