On Fri 03 Jan 2020 at 14:36:38 -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:

> On 01/03/2020 12:38 PM, Brian wrote:
> > On Fri 03 Jan 2020 at 10:30:24 -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
> > 
> > > I have a large hard disk but a low data cap on my internet connection.
> > 
> > Into every life a little rain must fall.
> > > I have all the distribution DVDs stored as *.ISO files in a single
> > > directory on my hard disk.
> > 
> > Splendid; all you have to do is extract the files you want from the
> > ISOs.
> Not an acceptable solution.

Fine, don't use the technique.  It is a solution that is well-tested,
employed by many users, works reliably and is capable of constructing
a single repository.

> Debian can deal simply with repositories  on multiple sites.
> Why not deal similarly with repositories on multiple files?

Each repository that apt deals with on a site is a unified, coherent,
organised, single repository. When you find a way of dealing with the
discrete repository on each ISO, please let us know.

> > > There is an excellent wiki page detailing a number of techniques
> > at
> > 
> >    https://wiki.debian.org/ManipulatingISOs
> Section 4: Loopmount an ISO Without Administrative Privileges
> gives intriguing hints with a *VAST* lack of details.
> [will search man pages]
> > 
> > > It would *SEEM* to be logical to use the "file option" of sources.list .
> > > HOWEVER, all I've ever seen is the kludge of individually loop mounting 
> > > all
> > > the ISO files.
> > 
> > If the logical method doesn't work for you, it is likely that the logic
> > is flawed. There is a superb wiki page at
> > 
> >    https://wiki.debian.org/Installation+Archive+USBStick
> That references a *VERY* different problem set.
> > 
> > That should make your New Year happier.
> rofl

It is possible that I have misunderstood the issue. Your starting point
appears to be the Debian files on your ISO files. What is is your desired
end point?


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