On Fri, Jan 03, 2020 at 11:16:29PM +0000, Brian wrote:


> > Debian can deal simply with repositories  on multiple sites.
> > Why not deal similarly with repositories on multiple files?
> Each repository that apt deals with on a site is a unified, coherent,
> organised, single repository. When you find a way of dealing with the
> discrete repository on each ISO, please let us know.

*And* -- not to be forgotten, the file systems the packages reside in
are *all mounted, all the time* (although they're probably something
else than ISO). Is there a pattern?

Sorry if it sounds a bit sarcastic. It was somewhat tongue-in-cheek
admittedly, although not really in bad intention.

Richard, an ISO file system is a *file system*. The intended way to
access its innards is mounting it.

And... the story of user-mounting is admittedly a bit incomplete at
the moment. Mounting a file system is a somewhat dangerous operation,
because file system code is fiendishly complex, and due to historical
reasons (changing a storage device required screwdrivers not a long
ago) mounting a file system was considered to be Something For The
Admin (TM). But we're getting there.

Getting it wrong leads to a never-ending sitcom, as Microsoft has
shown (remember boot sector virus? remember those music CDs by
Sony BMG which installed a malw --eh-- driver on your Windows
computer which controlled the number of copies you could make of
things? Remember Stuxnet, whose vector into some highly secured
uranium enrichment plant reportedly were USB sticks?). Those are
but three randomly chosen sequences of a long chain of pain.

So I'm glad we're moving somewhat slowly in that area. But I

-- tomás

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