Second Post, don't know if the first made it out or not :)

I messed up the grub on my box with the Debian installer. I know the partioning scheam. I can make a grub-floppy, but can not run grub-install from knoppix. Debian did not write LILO, but did eat up the grub. I am sure I told it something incorrect. What command do I give grub after I boot the grub-floppy to load hda6 (hd0,5) /boot/grub or /boot/linuxkernell immage?

This one is solved:

grub> configfile (hd5,0)/boot/grub/menu.lst

Anybody know how to make the Debian installer write to a floppy?

-- Damon L. Chesser [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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