Linux-Fan writes:
Bob Weber writes:
On 1/22/20 8:12 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
I'm running Debian 9.8 with MATE desktop.
I'm exploring a data file with the intention of eventually parsing it in a
useful fashion.

Just downloaded ghex. I like the display format.
Its tools are inconvenient.

Suggested tool(s) in Debian repository?


My favorite hex editor is `dhex` (Debian package `dhex`).
From to the list of requirements, it does 4 of 6.

Excuse me, this is mis-quoted, it should of course have been this
(i.e. both lines attributed to me):

My favorite hex editor is `dhex` (Debian package `dhex`).
From to the list of requirements, it does 4 of 6.


Sorry for the additional mail

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