On 01/22/2020 07:12 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
I'm running Debian 9.8 with MATE desktop.
I'm exploring a data file with the intention of eventually parsing it in a useful fashion.

Just downloaded ghex. I like the display format.

I posted in two fora (here and a LUG mailing list).
*NOBODY* picked up on two key features I presumed obvious ;/
  1. For my problem domain, GUI is obvious way to go:
     a. Intuitive (IMMHO) connection  of a selection in BOTH
        the ASCII an HEX views
     b. Presumption that GUI is more intuitive for "quick n dirty"
     c. I gave an example of a GUI application I had downloaded
        as it had appeared to meet many of my needs/preferences.
  2. I repeatedly mentioned/implied *DISPLAY*.
     I never even hinted at editing.

Its tools are inconvenient.

  I *ABSOLUTELY* require DECIMAL arithmetic for offsets/location.
  I observe a "bug/undocumented feature/operator error" in search.
    [I have "homework" to do ;]

I need to:
  1. Simultaneously display in _both_ HEX and ASCII format
  2. Know the current offset in *DECIMAL* format.
     {knowing the offset also in HEX might be nice}
  3. Goto to an offset - expressed in DECIMAL.
  4. Advance a specific number of bytes.
  5. Search for an ASCII string.
  6. Search for arbitrary sequence of bytes expressed as HEX.

Suggested tool(s) in Debian repository?

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