On 14/02/2020 17:39, john doe wrote:
On 2/14/2020 5:42 PM, Graham Seaman wrote:
I run a debian house server for firewall, routing etc. The last few
years I've also run gitlab on it, which I use to manage text files I
work on from an assortment of laptops/PCs; I have a lot of these files
(currently around 12 Gb) and really don't want to lose them. After the
initial setup I didn't do anything with the gitlab code and don't even
remember what version it was.

So this week, without thinking particularly about gitlab, I upgraded
from stretch to buster. No complaints during the upgrade, but gitlab no
longer worked (now dependent on a directory called 'embedded' which I
don't have). So I followed the recommendation on
https://wiki.debian.org/gitlab to update gitlab using buster-fastrack.
This installed an alarmingly huge number of ruby and node dependencies,
then failed informing me that I the database changes were too big to go
straight from my old version to the current debian one, and that I need
to transition through version 11.11.0 first.

There is no debian package for this, and 11.11.0 is only available from
gitlab.com as a docker install, but I'm running directly on my host.

Cant' you use docker on an other host, for example, in a VM?
I've tried that, but never having used docker before found I was just mystified at how to use the install to reformat the existing data, as would happen during a normal upgrade. I think this route is probably a dead end for me, I just don't have the knowledge to do it.
Can anyone suggest how to get myself a working gitlab again. without
losing the current data? I could live with a command-line only version,
if I couldn't get the web side working again.

First off, backup your data! :)

Of course, though this would be easier if I was more sure where everything was. But the data's no use without the software to read it.

Basically, my idea would be to find a way to follow the correct upgrade

I've found that version 11.11.8 is available from fasttrack.debian.org. Not quite the one (11.11.0) the upgrade process advised to use, but maybe close enough - I can't find any older versions.  This fails with two dependencies on old packages, ruby-prof, which I've now downgraded ok, and ruby-gitaly-proto, which I can't find a trace of anywhere.

'apt-cache madison ruby-gitaly' returns

golang-gitaly-proto | 0.123.0+dfsg-2 | http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian buster/main Sources

I don't suppose this golang version would satisfy the dependency, but it doesn't install anyway:

 apt install golang-gitaly-proto=0.123.0+dfsg-2 returns 'Unable to locate package golang-gitaly-proto'.

So I'm stuck on this route too. Any suggestions? Although I've been using debian for ages (thanks everyone) it's very much only as an end user, and since normally upgrades 'just work' for me I get really unstuck when I run into quite basic upgrade problems.


John Doe

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