On 2/18/2020 11:14 AM, Graham Seaman wrote:
> On 17/02/2020 22:41, David Wright wrote:
>> On Mon 17 Feb 2020 at 15:27:06 (+0000), Graham Seaman wrote:
>>> I hadn't thought of running a VM clone of the server - might be
>>> generally useful. But the server's main jobs are as a router,
>>> firewall, dnsmasq, mail server, which is where the main problems
>>> usually are in upgrades, and I think it would be hard to duplicate the
>>> low-level comms stuff meaningfully in a VM
>> Would it be possible to run a live stretch system (or install one)
>> on another machine, onto which you copy the files from your server.
>> You should be able to install a version of gitlab old enough to
>> handle your old data. (If necessary, for stretch, read jessie.)
>> You might not know which non-Debian files *are* necessary for gitlab
>> to run but presumably you know which trees of files you *don't* need
>> on this system: anything to do with the "main jobs" you mentioned,
>> for example.
> I decided John Doe was right, and gitlab is really overkill for what I
> need and likely to lead to extra work every time there's an upgrade as
> well (rails based apps always seem to have been a problem for me that
> way).  So I've extracted the git data and abandoned the gitlab part, and
> now I'm just using git from the command line, which is mostly what I was
> doing anyway. I might look at using gitweb in the future if I feel a
> need to get a web frontend back.

Glad to hear that you found a way out of this situation! :)

If you need readonly access to your or some of your repositories, look
at git-daemon and the git protocol.

That is, you still push using SSH but you can fetch/pull using SSH or
the git protocol.


Don't forget that the repositories on a server/remote repositories are
to be 'bare' and 'ending with '.git'.

John Doe

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