On Ma, 25 feb 20, 19:18:10, John Hasler wrote:
> Sam writes:
> > I will give Testing a spin and will definitely take another look at
> > the Debian derivatives. You also made me admire the Debian community,
> > so that's a big plus on the
> > reasons-why-I-definitely-need-to-switch-to-Debian list :)
> A couple of suggestions if you decide to use Testing or Unstable.
> Subscribe to the debian-devel list and scan the subject lines often
> enough to be aware of upcoming transitions that might affect you or
> kerfuffles that might make you want to delay upgrading until they are
> resolved.  This doesn't really take much time.
> *Don't* "track" Testing or Unstable by upgrading nightly.  I don't
> understand why people want to do this.  A full upgrade (after a test
> upgrade) about once a month is plenty.

An entire month without security updates is not the best idea in my 
opinion. Additionally after a month the upgrade can become quite complex 
with a lot more moving parts, i.e. it will be difficult to tell what 

Just don't do upgrades right before important deadlines, events, 
presentations, etc. Otherwise upgrading every few days up to a week 
ensures that your system is reasonably up to date (security) and the 
upgrades are not too complex.
> If you have packages you need to have the current release of wait until
> they've been available for a week or so without serious or important
> bugs that would matter to you.  Then do a test upgrade so that you can
> decide whether you can go right ahead, have to do a full upgrade to make
> it work, or perhaps should wait a bit.

Debian testing already has checks and delays in place to filter out 
(most of the) problems. Updates fixing security issues are prioritised.

> I've been doing this with Unstable for most of this century with very
> few problems (and none recently).

In both cases (testing and unstable), if the system is in any way 
exposed to security threats updating more often than that would be a 
good idea.

Kind regards,

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