On Tue, 31 Mar 2020 21:14:00 +0000
"Russell L. Harris" <russ...@rlharris.org> wrote:

> At the moment, the Debian STABLE repository contains no Jitsi package.

Actually, *no* official Debian repository currently contains Jitsi. It
was removed in 2017, apparently due to QA issues, although I don't know
the whole story:


> Inasmuch as I make it a rule never to install on my primary machine
> Debian packages other than those which downloaded from the Debian
> repository, I installed Debian on a spare machine, and installed on
> that machine the Debian package from jitsi.org.  jitsi worked nicely
> for me.

I spend some time today trying to find a libre alternative to Zoom,
preferably one in the Debian repos, but came up empty. The closest I
found were indeed Jitsi Meet (a part of the much larger Jitsi project),
and BigBlueButton, libre but designed to be installed on a Ubuntu
system. I'm actually puzzled by why there doesn't seem to be any easy,
solid libre alternative to Zoom.


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