On Mi, 01 apr 20, 08:58:16, Celejar wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Apr 2020 03:57:17 +0000
> "Russell L. Harris" <russ...@rlharris.org> wrote:
> > server.  And Jitsi is open source.  What more could you ask?
> I am indeed strongly tempted to try that. I suppose I'm just spoiled by
> Debian - I almost always install stuff from the repos, and I tend to
> assume (probably somewhat unreasonably) that if something isn't there,
> there's a good reason for it, and that installing manually from
> upstream is going to be more trouble than it's worth (at least for me
> with my limited sysadmin skills). I acknowledge that this is an overly
> narrow and pessimistic attitude ...

On a quick research I couldn't find any particular reason why the 
package is not available also from Debian repositories.

There used to be a package maintained by two persons with @jitsi.org 
e-mail addresses. At some point they just stopped uploading it, though 
one of those persons is still maintaining the upstream packages.

It could be a manpower issue and/or upstream wants more flexibility than 
allowed by Debian policies.

E.g. in many cases upstream projects don't have a "stable", "long term 
support", "ESR", etc. branch (they may have valid reasons for that). 
This makes it very difficult to provide security support for the package 
in Debian.

Kind regards,

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