Albretch Mueller wrote:
>  Perhaps you will be able to see something I don't. If not let me know
> how could do whatever you need with the debug levels or log file in a
> better way
> # grep -v "not idle any more" /var/log/cups/error_log | less
> D [06/Apr/2020:00:31:51 +0200] [Job 4] 2 filters for job:
> D [06/Apr/2020:00:31:51 +0200] [Job 4] pstops (application/postscript
> to application/vnd.cups-postscript, cost 66)
> D [06/Apr/2020:00:31:51 +0200] [Job 4] /usr/lib/cups/filter/FXM_PF
> (application/vnd.cups-postscript to printer/Phaser-6125N, cost 0)

Two filters are executed:

1. pstops

Is CUPS internal and included in Debian package "cups-core-drivers" at my
side (running Debian buster).

2. /usr/lib/cups/filter/FXM_PF

Not known by me. Is the file present? Is it executable? Does it fail, if
you execute it?

I've the feeling this is the culprint, you want to work on.

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

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