On Mon 06 Apr 2020 at 23:26:03 +0200, Klaus Singvogel wrote:

> Albretch Mueller wrote:
> >  Perhaps you will be able to see something I don't. If not let me know
> > how could do whatever you need with the debug levels or log file in a
> > better way
> > 
> [...]
> > 
> > # grep -v "not idle any more" /var/log/cups/error_log | less
> > 
> > D [06/Apr/2020:00:31:51 +0200] [Job 4] 2 filters for job:
> > D [06/Apr/2020:00:31:51 +0200] [Job 4] pstops (application/postscript
> > to application/vnd.cups-postscript, cost 66)
> > D [06/Apr/2020:00:31:51 +0200] [Job 4] /usr/lib/cups/filter/FXM_PF
> > (application/vnd.cups-postscript to printer/Phaser-6125N, cost 0)
> Two filters are executed:
> 1. pstops
> Is CUPS internal and included in Debian package "cups-core-drivers" at my
> side (running Debian buster).
> 2. /usr/lib/cups/filter/FXM_PF
> Not known by me. Is the file present? Is it executable? Does it fail, if
> you execute it?
> I've the feeling this is the culprint, you want to work on.

I don't experience a failure of either filter. Both work flawlessly
for me.


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