On Tue 14 Apr 2020 at 10:19:13 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

> On Lu, 13 apr 20, 20:30:45, Brian wrote:
> > A similar, less constrictive, idea has been tried before
> > 
> >   http://shapado.debian.net/
> > 
> > and has failed miserably.
> Sadly this yet another instance where I end up finding better answers 
> about Debian on non-Debian platforms (like StackExchange), the other one 
> being the Arch's wiki (significantly better than Debian's).
> For some reasons (missing SEO?) I don't see many hits from 
> lists.debian.org in DuckDuckGo or Google.

Fortunately, I could remember fragments of the original post on
debian -project, so my search didn't take too long.


The shapado.debian.net domain eventually became ask.debian.net.


  > With the help of the Shapado Project, members of the
  > Debian project started a new user oriented service at
  > ask.debian.net. It lets users ask specific questions
  > and find answers, while also providing rating systems
  > and badges for users. It allows Debian Developers and
  > other contributors to easily stay in touch with the
  > community.

My recollection is that, after an initial flurry of activity by
DDs, the response to questions was left in the hands of a single


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