I am not sure why we are discussing this is in a discourse thread, but what 
the heck.
> In my experience, the content of the Arch wiki is ofter far superior to
> ours, not just the organization and structure.
> ...
> > So they have different philosophies. Perhaps Debian puts more effort
> > into the packages themselves, the installer, and documentation like
> > the Reference Manual, Release Notes etc, whereas AIUI Arch relies
> > more on its wiki. And I think Debian has a much broader scope:
> But the Debian documentation you mention doesn't cover a great deal
> of practical, real-world areas of system configuration, maintenance,
> and use, at least not in any useful, up-to-date way. The Arch wiki, in
> my experience, simply does a much better job at documenting this sort of
> stuff than any Debian documentation.

As a former Arch user I second that opinion. The wiki is better structured, 
has better contents and is easy to edit anyway. Archlinux wiki is the primary, 
if not the only, source of the documentation, so all the effort is concentrated 

I would love to get better navigation / search in Debian wiki, some sort of 
side bar would not be amiss. What do you think can be done to make Debian wiki 
more usable and more attractive to users/editors?

Ihor Antonov

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