Constantine Ryzhikov wrote: 
> I'm blind, without Orca it???s hard for me to read the output. I made a
> screen, but there is no audio, or is it on top.

I apologize for my assumption.

The lspci snipped you showed did have snd_ens1371 enabled,
so it is plausible that this is just a mixer problem.

alsa and pulse both have command-line tools to adjust mixing.

For alsa, try:

amixer scontrols

to get the available controls.

Some combination of the following might work:

amixer -c 0 set Master 100%
amixer -c 0 set PCM 100%
amixer -c 0 set Headphone 100%
amixer -c 0 set Beep 0%

As painful as alsa's tools are, pulseaudio's tools are worse.

pactl list cards
pactl set-sink-volume 0 100%

might work.


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