On Sun, 19 Apr 2020, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Du, 19 apr 20, 11:51:27, Chris Ramsden wrote:

I'd invite Andrei to define what he means by "bounce".

I thought I already did in follow-ups. The Debian specific instructions
explicitly mention mutt as an example.

As far as I can tell it is what Wikipedia calls "remailing"[1],
though I might very well be mistaken. A better explanation would be
much appreciated (to link to from the wiki).

My half-assed understanding of bouncing is this: When you get a
message that wasn't really meant for you, and you know where it ought
to go, then you should "bounce" it there. I distilled this
understanding from the following excerpts from my prefered mail
client's (alpine's) documentation:

From the alpine mail client's internal help screen for the
configuration item that enables bouncing:

  FEATURE: Enable Bounce Command

  Setting this feature enables the "B Bounce" command, which will
  prompt for an address and *remail* the message to the new
  recipient. This command is used to re-direct messages that you have
  received in error, or need to be redirected for some other reason
  (e.g. list moderation). The final recipient will see a header
  indicating that you have Resent the msg, but the message's From:
  header will show the original author of the message, and replies to
  it will go back to that author, and not to you.

  <End of help on this topic>

Some information on related email headers,

  Resent-Message-Id: A Resent type header is generated when you bounce
  a message. In this case, Alpine generates a new Message-Id, which
  does not replace the Message-Id of the original message, but
  identifies Alpine as the agent "bouncing" the message.

  Resent-Date: This is the date when the message was bounced.

  Resent-From: This is the address and personal name of the person that
  bounced the message to you. You can not edit the contents of this
  header, as you can with the From field.

  Resent-To: This is the personal name and e-mail address of the person
  you are bouncing a message to.

  Resent-Cc: The Cc field of the original message that was bounced.

  Resent-Reply-To: The Reply-To field of the person bouncing the

Hope this helps.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_forwarding#Forwarding_versus_remailing

Kind regards,

 The day will come              |  Last words, August Spies (1855--1887).
 When our silence will be       |  Hanged, by the U.S. state of Illinois,
 More powerful than             |  alongside fellow journalists
 The voices you strangle today  |  Adolf Fischer and Albert Parsons.

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