On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 08:28:08PM +0000, davidson wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Apr 2020, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> >On Du, 19 apr 20, 11:51:27, Chris Ramsden wrote:
> >>
> >>I'd invite Andrei to define what he means by "bounce".
> >
> >I thought I already did in follow-ups. The Debian specific instructions
> >explicitly mention mutt as an example.
> >
> >As far as I can tell it is what Wikipedia calls "remailing"[1],
> >though I might very well be mistaken. A better explanation would be
> >much appreciated (to link to from the wiki).
> My half-assed understanding of bouncing is this: When you get a
> message that wasn't really meant for you, and you know where it ought
> to go, then you should "bounce" it there [...]

Correct. This was bounce's original purpose. It has the property
that it passes the original mail's headers on, and thus its
utility for some secondary purposes:

 - if you want to show the message with all its details
   to someone (e.g. a postmaster) for further analysis

 - if you want to feed the message to some spam filter

-- tomás

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