* On 2020 27 May 20:33 -0500, Carl Fink wrote:
> On 5/27/20 9:12 PM, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > Typing on the screen is the very slowest thing I do as I want type a lot
> > like on a real keyboard.  I have not adapted to thumbs only for typing
> > after seven years and I doubt that I ever will.
> I hate the glass keyboard. A BT keyboard is cheap
> and works well, and nobody carries them because
> we just want to stick the phones in our pockets.

I recall some of the early smart phone models having a slide-out
keyboard, the Blackberry being about the most popular, at least a lot of
techs where I used to work had them at the time.  I've always been leery
of putting my phone in my pocket as I figure it is more apt to get a
cracked screen that way.  I carry it in a case clipped on my belt.

So far the only cracked screen I've had was due to my old Motorola
dropping about 40 feet down the side of our upright silo hitting a
number of steps on the way down and then the last 15 to 20 feet onto
concrete unimpeded when I was putting an antenna up there.  My brother
had upgraded phones not long before and I was able to rob his old screen
and keep mine going a few more years.  He now has a cheap Motorola that
he got a couple of months after I got this Sammy and it has two cracks
in the screen.  Sigh...

- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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