On Thursday 28 May 2020 01:30:14 Andrei POPESCU wrote:

> On Jo, 28 mai 20, 00:04:01, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > I need to get something here wifi enabled so I don't run my sprint
> > bill up. Just getting the weather does that. I probably need to
> > update my dd-wrt router and enable the wifi in it, but I'll have to
> > set it so the neighbors are locked out, probably by catching this
> > ones MAC and disallowing anything else.
> MACs can be cloned (though I doubt your neighbours would do this).
I know, I am doing it so I have a fixed inet4 address regardless of which 
router is in service.

> You will get better protection by enabling  WPA2-PSK (pre-shared key),
> with encryption type AES and setting a reasonably long and complicated
> password / phrase.

> Unless you're neighbours are some super-hackers

They are dumb, but the offender apparently has a cracker app on his 
phone. Changing the simple pw only locks him out for 3 or so minutes.  
He's a cast iron PITA in person too.

> there's no real need 
> to go wild here, something like https://xkcd.com/936/ will be more
> than enough (do note the words are *random*). There's xkcdpass in
> Debian and several online password generators inspired by XKCD 936.

I've seen that, great stuff.

> You might want to write the password on a piece of paper to show it to
> guests that you want to grant access.
> For additional protection DD-WRT can probably enable a dedicated
> "guest" WiFi. This is useful only if you want to isolate guests from
> the rest of your network while still allowing them to use your
> internet access.

Thats how it works, I can't "see" their traffic until I  get the monthly 

> Kind regards,
> Andrei

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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