On Fri 19 Jun 2020 at 15:12:27 -0600, Tom Dial wrote:

> I notice that tasksel (= /usr/bin/tasksel) is a Perl program in which it
> appears the "cmd" to be executed once selections are made (line 24 from
> the end) is
> apt-get -q -y -o APT::Install-Recommends=true -o \
> APT::Get::AutomaticRemove=true -o APT::Acquire::Retries=3 install
> I suspect that has something to do with the apparent fact that tasksel
> ignores "recommends=false" from other sources. I also suspect that
> editing that line would change the behavior in the desired direction.
> >From long-standing practice and inclination I have no wish to test this,
> but someone else might.
> I assume this would need to be done by skipping tasksel during
> installation of the d-i minimal system, then altering and running the
> installed tasksel after the post-install reboot.

This post deserves a gold star; Richard will be over the moon to discover
that an uncluttered install of Debian 10 with MATE desktop is possible
when using d-i.

There is no need to run an altered tasksel script after the post-install
reboot. /target/usr/bin/tasksel can be edited after the base system is
installed and "true" changed to "false".

Does it work? Would I be writing this if it didn't?


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