On Vi, 19 iun 20, 17:44:46, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashProgramming/04?action=diff&rev2=10&rev1=9
> I went with "blocklist" because it's so close to the original term that
> it should be easily understood.  Then, to match that, I chose "passlist"
> for the other one.  It's a less obvious choice, and a different winner may
> eventually emerge, but it'll do for now.

"blocklist" does already have the meaning of "a list of blocks" in some 
contexts though I believe it is already widely used in several 
communication apps (Signal, etc.) where one "blocks" specific users 
(from ever contacting you, or so).

As a non-native speaker "reject" or even "ignore" would be suitable in 
something like a spamfilter (reject / ignore messages from...) and 
"deny" in a security context (deny access to...). Consequently "accept" 
and "allow" for the opposite.

Kind regards,

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