elvis wrote:

> Since the terms have nothing to do with race, then no. Are you proposing
> to rename everything with the word black in it? Sometimes a cigar is
> just a cigar.
>> "allowlist" and "rejectlist"
>> instead of (for example on disk drives) "master" and "slave" I like to
>> propose the terms:
> But it is a master and slave relationship. So what? How is this related
> in any way to human masters and slaves?

I just decided to flag all of this as liberal trolling - I do not have a
better or more politically correct approach of that.

Unfortunately wide spread in computer societies - no idea how it will end.

I recently demanded that companies/businesses and also our technically
focused communities should not participate in such discussions, movements
or whatever.

The reason was LGBT inclusion movement in a company. I asked them how would
they approach the fact that logically only one thing can be considered
correct/normal (by logic and ontology there is either P or not P that can
be true). If you consider LGBT to be normal, then all the rest is
considered as not normal or vv.
I asked what is coming next - pedos, canibals or other mental disorders.
They asked me to delete the post and then deleted all posts - but not the
LGBT/inclusion site ...

Same here - resist for the sake of truth and logic. Otherwise we'll end up
as the modern version of Daesh.

Thank you for your opinion 
Thumbs up

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