On Sb, 20 iun 20, 21:57:31, Weaver wrote:
> On 21-06-2020 13:41, Celejar wrote:
> > 
> > I respect your position (and I'm not sure yet where I stand), but how
> > far does this go? Should we rename the "kill" command, since it can
> > remind people of how badly their friends and relatives were treated?
> Yes!
> I tender the term `Euthansia'.
> Pending the approval of BLM and the LGBT movements, of course.

In this case it should be PETA.

(Sorry, could not resist)

It's not at all clear to me why some insist on sticking with 
blacklist/whitelist and master/slave.

They are not exactly descriptive and are awkward to translate in other 

Kind regards,

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