On 2020-06-21 at 12:53, deloptes wrote:

> John Hasler wrote:
>> Wrong.  "Nigger" (a corruption of negro) was only used by whites
>> and always had derogatory connotations.  "Black" originated with
>> blacks and has no derogatory connotations (except as used by racist
>> whites who would say "nigger" if they could get away with it).  It
>> is what blacks I know call themselves.  "African-american", on the
>> other hand, is a euphemism manufactured by liberal whites.
> Nigger because they were mostly brought from Nigeria, no?



(As it happens, I do also dislike the push to try to change the terms
"blacklist" and "whitelist", for reasons more linguistic than anything
else I've managed to even half-articulate. Despite that, I find the
positions and arguments you've been expressing in this thread to be
significantly more objectionable than that push itself, and I think that
if anything you're doing the "cause" of opposing such a change
considerably more harm than good; I might sooner concede that fight than
join forces with such arguments to try to win it.)

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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