On Sun, 21 Jun 2020 09:14:36 -0500
John Hasler <jhas...@newsguy.com> wrote:

> deloptes writes:
> > Some 40-50y ago you did not like the word Neger, so it was replaced
> > with Black. You did nothing all those 50y to change the perception
> > of black. Now you have problem with the word Black  
> Wrong.  "Nigger" (a corruption of negro) was only used by whites and
> always had derogatory connotations.  "Black" originated with blacks
> and has no derogatory connotations (except as used by racist whites
> who would say "nigger" if they could get away with it).  It is what
> blacks I know call themselves.  "African-american", on the other
> hand, is a euphemism manufactured by liberal whites.

I think it is to distinguish them from other dark brown people, the
brown Asians, who don't seem to be involved in the Black thing.


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