On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 08:22:49PM +0200, Seeds Notoneofmy wrote:


> Nothing like beating a dead horse for some, it seems.

Uh... I'm genuinely sorry if I came across like that.
I was mainly writing that for the benefit of others
who might fall into the same trap. I tried to wrap
the message with some humor -- not to poke fun at
you or at anyone, but rather to make things more

It seems I failed miserably at it. What can I say?

> I already, very clearly, noted in response to Anders: "sorry to all."
> In any society, virtual or otherwise, that will do it, assuming of
> course, you bothered to read:
> *"**Thank you. I will do that next time. Sorry to everyone."*
> Besides a very clear apology, I do not know what else was expected. Nor,
> can I understand the 'rants,' given the apology.
> However, some resources from David were very helpful, particularly, " 
> http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html";
> And thanks, David, no offense taken.

You are right. No, I wasn't expecting any apology from you.

Please, accept my apologies.

-- t

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