davidson wrote:
> > 
> > In my Gnu screen setup, the corresponding key sequence (unchanged from
> > package defaults in this respect, afaict) is
> > 
> >   Ctrl-a a
> > 
> > And so to emulate that I would probably replace this line
> > 
> >   bind-key C-a send-prefix
> > 
> > with this one instead
> > 
> >   bind-key a send-prefix
> > 
> > so that old muscle-memory would remain useful.
> Yes, this is much better, thank you.

And now that C-a has become vacant in tmux, we can 
"bind-key C-a last-window"
(yet another case of muscle-memory).

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
2:5005/49@fidonet http://vas.tomsk.ru/

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