On Tuesday 16 December 2003 1:08 pm, Joerg Rossdeutscher wrote:
> Am Mo, den 15.12.2003 schrieb Wesley J Landaker um 02:55:
> > Local software is childish, dangerous and nonsense.
> Local software can destroy (your) local stuff.

Exactly my point--a mail server is local software.

Just another good example of why writing software and controlling it's 
use should be left to professional commercial entities who know what 
they are doing. We definately should leave compilers and scripting 
languages out of the hands of end-users; think of the havoc they could 
cause, flooding mail servers, writing DDoS attacks, etc! Which is why 
my proposal specifically called for not allowing users to own or use 
their own machines. In fact, attempting to subvert this should be 
punishable by death.

> A mailserver can harm _others_.

I totally agree. Which is why I'm all for only allowing arbitrary 
entities to determine who can and can not run a mail server. What we 
need is more control, more censorship, more penalties, and less 
interference from subvertive terrorists who try to route their mail 
around the system. The only reason they have to be doing something like 
this would be if they had something to hide. I believe that their 
computers should be confiscated and their citizenship revoked.

> I said that yesterday, and today I find this mailinglist full of
> nonsense since one guy is not able to configure his procmail.

All of his messages were sent through his company's "smart" host, but we 
still got them here. Surely this software configuration error 
("procmail") could have been prevented if we didn't give this fellow 
access to local software. I'm also guessing that he pre-meditated the 
whole thing at his home, safely cached behind his subvertive dynamic IP 
(I think it's a given that said IPs are only used by "lower-class" 
people, who we all know aren't worth anything and have no rights). I 
call for a lynching.

> Now got what I mean?

I got what you meant the first time! Can't you see? I agree with you! 

Oh yes, and blacks to the back of the bus, please; just be happy we let 
you on at all.

Wesley J. Landaker - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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