On Wed, 8 Jul 2020 Ajith R wrote:
Hi David,

As a rule, send replies to the listserv address:


2. In-Line replies, instead of Top-Posting
3. I apologise for being a Terrible Person

I didn't pay attention to the fact that the from address in the
email was yours and not that of the list server. I just replied to
the email. I will try to remember to correct the to address

LOL. No big deal either way.

I hope my replies confirm to the Bottom-Line style you suggested in another 

Working on a reply to that part.

I thank you for showing the patience

No patience required.

to explain to us the newcomers the conventions of this list.

They say that those who cannot, will teach. That might apply in this

You won't feel the collar if you don't go anywhere.

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