
Thanks for your experiment. The fact that it works atleast in some applications 
gives hope. 

I copied your exact sentences to my compose file. 

In Konsole the command cat ~/.XCompose gives the result:

include "%L" 
<U0D19>  : "ങ്ങ" # Ajith's auto-geminate rule, (U0D19) => (U0D19) (U0D4D) 
<Multi_key> <s> <x> : "✄"  # (U2704) white scissors, h/t David Wright
<Z>                : "ARGA WARGA IN THE DARGA instead of Z"

Next, I issued setxkbmap -layout us, just to make sure that the layout is us.

I used konsole and UXterm to test Z. The test failed with Z remaining 

So, as Zeenan says, there is something fundamentally wrong in my system. I have 
to find that and correct it or reinstall everything.

I tried in another computer with Debian and KDE. The Z gets replaced by the 
first letter in replacement string, while nothing happens in Xterm.

Is KDE the problem? I checked IceWM and got the same result.

> into what appears (to my utterly ignorant eye) to be a "freshly
> synthetic" glyph

That "freshly synthetic" glyph would be the geminate form.

> firefox-esr issued the following errors, which appear to be explanatory:
> (firefox-esr:11619): Gtk-WARNING **: 16:27:05.630: GTK+ supports to output 
> one char only:

This means that all softwares that use Gtk will behave similarly?

> NB: If, like me, you occasionally confuse the Ctrl key with the
> compose key, then keep in mind that when testing this rule in a
> terminal emulator, that typing Ctrl-s (presumably by accident) may
> well stop the terminal from echoing entered characters to the display
> until you enter Ctrl-q to resume normal terminal operation. (That is
> to say, Ctrl-s doesn't "break your keyboard", it only pauses your
> terminal's printout to the display until you resume it with Ctrl-q.)

Thanks for pointing this out. I don't think I have done so because Konsole 
flashes the message that I have suspended display when I press Ctrl S. I would 
have noticed it.

Thanks a lot for your detailed explanations,

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