Hi Greg,

> I would imagine you were trying to pass a Unicode character.  If that's
> the case, you need the \u or \U form instead.
> grep $'\u00A0' .XCompose
> Unicode character 00A0 is a non-breaking space.  It's not clear whether
> that was your intention or not.

Yes, that was my intention

> > I noticed that there is $ sign before the search string, which I couldn't 
> > understand. I removed it and re-executed the new grep command grep '\x00A0' 
> > .XCompose. Now it doesn't return the line
> Uh... you mean you *weren't* trying to grep for non-breaking spaces
> in your file using bash's $'...' quoting syntax?  You're just typing
> something you found at random on the Internet without understanding
> it?  That's pretty dangerous.

Yes, I was trying something that I didn't understand. However, it was not from 
the internet but given a pretty helpful person in this group.

> <https://mywiki.wooledge.org/Quotes> might be good reading for you at
>  this point.
Thanks, will check it out.

> 6) The command grep "W" .XCompose | tr $'\xc2\xa0' \! returns 
> grep "W" .XCompose | tr $'\xc2\xa0' \!

> The two hex bytes c2 a0 are the UTF-8 encoding of a non-breaking space,
> so it *does* seem like you're chasing after non-breaking spaces for
> some reason....

I was trying to find if NBSP are getting added in my .XCompose file

> If that's truly your goal, you might also want to pursue configuring
> your text editor to show them to you.  There are various ways to do
> that, depending on which text editor you use.

I am using Kate. How can I accomplish that in Kate?

> (I don't even know whether you're in a UTF-8 encoding, though, so
> who knows whether those are even the correct bytes for an NBSP in>
> your locale.  You're better off using \u00A0 instead.)

No, I don't want to use them. Just wanted to know if they were creeping into my 


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