On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 06:41:39PM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
> I am having intermittent problems on startup in which network services do
> not start properly, generally with messages suggesting the network
> interface they need is not available. If I stop and start them after, they
> will run.

The number one cause of this is having the interface marked as
"allow-hotplug" instead of "auto" in the interfaces(5) file.

Edit /etc/network/interfaces and see if your interface is defined in
this file at all.  (If it's not, then it's being defined some *other*
way, either by Network Manager, or by systemd, or something else).

If you see your interface marked with "allow-hotplug name", change it
to "auto name".

The installer thinks every system is some silly mobile/laptop thing,
so it defaults all ethernet interfaces to "allow-hotplug", even if
the interface is soldered onto the motherboard and is absolutely
not "hot-pluggable".  For most desktop or server systems, this will
be the wrong choice.  And it causes *exactly* the symptom you're
describing here.

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