On Thursday, July 30, 2020 03:57:42 AM Anssi Saari wrote:
> Dan Ritter <d...@randomstring.org> writes:
> > samba - if you need to share files with Windows
> That depends, Windows 10 Pro these days has NFS support. Not that good
> since it's from Microsoft but gets the job done.

I don't have much recent experience with networking between local computers 
(back in the day (15 to 25 years ago, I used SAMBA) (e.g., NAS), but recently 
started digging into it again.

For my current purposes, I'm finding ssh (sshfs) pretty convenient, partly 
because I recently set up ssh for other reasons and then the leap to sshfs is 
quite small.

I've always had a "learning disability" with respect to NFS, and sort of a 
religious objection to SAMBA (and also some problems with it, but I forget 
what those were, they were annoying things, and just to make up something, 
maybe it had to losing connectivity without being notified or something 
similarly aggravating).

sshfs seems to be outperformed (speedwise) by SAMBA and NFS, but it is hard to 
imagine that being a real problem with modern (fast) computers and 100MB or 
better Ethernet.

If you have sshfs set up, you have nothing more to do on the server.

On the client, you install the sshfs client.

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