On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 12:07:32AM -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:
        I absolutely agree, no matter what the file system, I would
        definitely up the memory to the 16GB max, especially if this is to
        be a media server.

Unless you're serving some quite demanding clients, I'd expect 16GB in
an NAS to be a complete waste of money.

IOW it all depends about what kind of NAS you're designing, and with
what kind of connectivity and software.

Most commercial "home NAS" boxes have much less than 16GB of RAM, for
example (e.g. the `Asustor AS5304T` described by pcmag as "best for
power users" for 2020 has 4GB of RAM).

There's certainly a perception that, for using ZFS or BTRFS, >4GiB RAM
is required. I don't know whether that's actually true in practise. It's
one reason I avoid both those filesystems for machines I want to Just
Work. Part of the problem is one person's NAS is another person's media
server, with radically different requirements.

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👱🏻      Jonathan Dowland
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