On Mon, 3 Aug 2020 15:18:46 -0400
Greg Wooledge <wool...@eeg.ccf.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 02:15:17PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > The home PC that I'd be trying to contact has a 192.168.n.n IP
> > address given to it by my primary router. But the router's external
> > address is obtained by its DHCP client talking to my ISP's DHCP
> > server.  
> In a case like that, just contact an external web site that tells you
> what your externally visible IP address is.  There are many of them.
> Mine is <http://wooledge.org/myip.cgi>.

Ah, now you are back to using an external server, which the OP would
like to avoid.

The OP may be able to write a script that queries his primary router
for its external address. This may involve scraping the primary
router's web server. Or he may be able to hornswaggle ddclient into
getting it. See the -use=web option.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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