On 10/18/2020 6:39 AM, Christoph K. wrote:
We're on a Debian mailing list here. Being respectful is part of the
Debian Code of Conduct

Being polite is not, nor is offering respect. I submit you may need to lean the difference between being polite, being respectful, and holding respect. They are three very different things.

which reflects the values of this community:

Talk about arrogance! It reflects nothing more or less than an attempted expression of the ideals of those who penned the rules, whether they be good, bad, or indifferent. I certainly did not even vote on them, nor have the vast majority of the members of this list. I request you please do not try to endow this forum with some repulsive notion of grandeur.

If both of you openly state that you oppose the idea of being respectful

I never said that, and it is in fact disrespectful of you to misrepresent the things I say. Are we to believe the rest of us must be respectful, while you are exempt?

with other people unless they have earned your respect (according to your

Is it your claim you ever make statements that are not according to your perception? Is your perception somehow better than mine?

you more or less directly state that you oppose the Debian
Code of Conduct.

Once again, it is disrespectful to put words in other people's mouths. Why is it OK for you to disrespect others but not the rest of us?

BTW, it is my absolute right to oppose the Debian Code of Conduct or anything else I choose to oppose. Are you suggesting otherwise? If so, we need to have that very unpleasant conversation I mentioned.

Apart from that, both of you have broken a couple of rules from the
Mailing lists code of conduct: https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/

* Non-constructive [...] messages [...] are not welcome

Which part of what messages of mine were non-constructive, realizing of course the very notion is highly subjective? I am not compelled to agree with you or anyone else what is or is not constructive, but I still want to know how you consider them to be or not be.

* Do not use foul language; [...]

What is "foul" language? I do not know of the existence of any such thing. There are, I suppose, George Carlin's Seven Words One Can Never Say on Radio and Television. Interestingly enough, I have heard all of them on radio and television, but I have not used them here. Why anyone would object to their use, I really haven't much of a clue, but on the other hand I don't recall using any of them here. Please point out any passages where I employed what you deem "foul language" used by me.

* Try not to flame; it is not polite.

        I *NEVER* flame anyone, anywhere, or any time.

A blatantly false accusation such as this is highly disrespectful, far more than I have ever been. Once again you are claiming I have failed to meet a supposed standard and trying to hold me to a far higher one than to which you hold yourself.

* Use common sense all the time.

        Define common sense.

I hope some people will draw some meaningful consequences.

        I think perhaps you should hope not.

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