On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 20:45:50 -0400
Carl Fink <ca...@panix.com> wrote:

> On 10/25/20 8:28 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > I'm not referring to viewing HTML emails. I already can do that in
> > Claws-Mail using its Dillo plugin. I'm talking about filling in
> > forms, etc. that are part of the HTML email and sending just the
> > data without "replying" in the normal sense.  This is beyond Claws'
> > and Dillo's capabilities.  I have to use a real browser, log into
> > that particular web mail account (like gmail), click on that
> > particular email, etc. to do so.
> >
> > I'm getting the sense that I may not be able to find a client that
> > can do that.  
> I don't remember ever getting an emailed form that was anything but
> a link to a web page. Who is sending you emailed inline forms?

The ones I respond to are known to me and are legit --
organizations, businesses, government agencies, etc. -- that I do
business with.  To respond, I must switch to a web browser, login to
my email account (like gmail), find that particular email, and
enter the requested data either by keyboard, drop-down menu, buttons,
etc., then SUBMIT it.  This happens all within the email. I never get
forwarded to another web site. I always stay on the web mail page. As
far as I can tell only the data is sent. The email itself is not
replied to.  That is, there's nothing in the "Sent" folder.

This happens often enough now to make having to switch to the browser
instead of being able to respond with my usual email client an annoying
inconvenience. Hence, my search for a new email client.


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