On Wed, 28 Oct 2020, at 03:59, David Wright wrote:

> I've found those sorts of emails (loosely coupled images) are easy to
> deal with. In mutt, for example, press v for the attachments menu,
> and again on any multipart or message/rfc822 that needs opening,
> exposing the attachments within.

Ages ago, using an email client that allowed one to edit the raw 
content of emails (handy for doing things like splitting OT parts of 
threads, changing Subjects to what meant something to me, etc) I
had scripts that ran within my text editor which would do things like
find all the attachments in an email and assign sensible names and 
content types to them.  Then when that was saved the client's normal
export/detach options could be used to process the files.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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