On Tue, 27 Oct 2020 07:43:43 -0400
Greg Wooledge <wool...@eeg.ccf.org> wrote:

> [1]I used to read slashdot regularly, and on slashdot, the front page
> had a bunch of news stories and a poll.  The poll was written as a
> vanilla HTML form.  If you participated in the poll, it would send you
> to a new instance of the home page, because a form *must* load a new
> page.  Doing that would lose my place, showing a new set of stories,
> even if I hadn't finished reading the ones on the previous instance.
It doesn't have to be like that. Nearly all of my web applications just
use the one page, though of course it does have to be reloaded after a
submit. Anything I want to be persistent, I need to arrange through
hidden controls, appearing as parameters in the reloaded page. If
someone is showing you a large number of random entries on a page, then
of course it may be too much trouble to do this, but it is certainly

I do use the very occasional smidgen of JS to replace things that have
been left out of HTML, such as making a radio button group invoke a
submit when changed, but on the whole I believe client-side scripting
to be the work of the devil. 


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