I use cron job to run VLC several times a day at predefined times. Each 
time a different mp3 file is played and I need to set different audio 
volume for each file. I also need to make it working unattended.

I can set the volume by executing 'pactl set-sink-input-volume X Y%' but 
to do it I need to know in advance X number, which is Sink Input number 
used by VLC on every run. The problem is that VLC changes Sink Input on 
each consequitive run.

The correct number can be obtained by executing 'pactl list sink-inputs' 
while VLC is run but this requieres my involvement.

Is there any way either to get the VLC Input Sink # programmatically, or 
to make VLC using the same Input Sink it used at each previous run, or 
let say some default Input Sink?

If somebody can suggest another way to achieve the desired, please 
suggest. For example, can anyone suggest a media player, which can accept 
a desired volume level as a command line argument? Any other ideas?


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