Juan R. de Silva wrote: 
> I use cron job to run VLC several times a day at predefined times. Each 
> time a different mp3 file is played and I need to set different audio 
> volume for each file. I also need to make it working unattended.
> I can set the volume by executing 'pactl set-sink-input-volume X Y%' but 
> to do it I need to know in advance X number, which is Sink Input number 
> used by VLC on every run. The problem is that VLC changes Sink Input on 
> each consequitive run.

VLC has a remote control feature -- several, actually. Control
can be handled by a command line, Lua, telnet, or http, among others.


The command you are probably looking for is
volume [X] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  set/get audio volume


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