On 2020-11-26 03:57, David Wright wrote:
What sort of rejections and/or bounces have you had?

It showed up that mails to getmail list that uses Exim were refused as unsubscribed whereas before was OK. I "think" I then subscribed with noctiluc...@sky.com which worked for a bit but then from list to me bounced.
"Remote host said: 554 5.7.9 Message not accepted for policy reasons"
using Sky/Yahoo SMTP it seems to add "Return-Path:" as being noctiluc...@sky.com. Then subscribed to getmail list "from" gmail and other hosted domain address
and welcomed as subscribed as "noctiluc...@sky.com".

I only know enough about this stuff to get it working and then promptly forget.
Unsure of the etiquette of using other SMTP servers.
This is all using local, not the newest, roundcube for reading/sending.

cheers mick
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