On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 09:30:49 +1100
Keith Bainbridge <ke1thozgro...@gmx.com> wrote:

> I like the idea of a local imap server. I have a RPi that will do the
> job, sitting ready and waiting.  How easy is it to get phone/tablet to
> connect while I'm away? though.  A good URI would be an excellent
> answer.

Less so than with an external email provider.

I prefer not to open email collection ports to the Net, so I use ssh
with keys and port forwarding, on a non-standard port to keep the logs
cleaner. I forward both web and the email ports, so I can either use a
proper email client or webmail. I have to admit I use a netbook while
away from home, as I have both "smart"phone and tablet, but they are
extremely limited toys and they are owned by Google. If I need a mobile
computer, then I want a real computer, and one where I have root

I'm in the process of building a couple of RPi servers to replace my
HP microserver, and the mail server seems to be running OK. I have
exim4 as the MTA, dovecot for IMAP and Roundcube for webmail. Roundcube
requires an SQL database, and I'm running MariaDB for other reasons, and
it's happy with that. It's also running bind9, as I'm sending and
receiving email directly and need a good local DNS service.


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