On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 05:35:37PM +1100, Keith Bainbridge wrote:

> On 11/12/20 1:42 pm, Paul M Foster wrote:
> > For various reasons, I've set the perms on this mount as 777. Anything
> > on a Raspberry Pi gets mounted in the /media/pi hierarchy by default. I
> > couldn't see a reason to change it, if I set the permissions
> > appropriately.
> G'day Paul
> pi being the default user under raspbian/raspOS. At least with the
> recent installer, you are required to give pi a password. It used be
> that there was a default password, and you had to know to change that
> yourself.
> My 2c worth: as you have already set up a personal user, disable auto
> log-in to user pi and make sure user pi has a strong password.  Having
> user pi available is likely the prime target of any attack, simply
> because it used have a default.
> Once you start logging in as paul, you'll find that automount USB item
> go to /media/paul.
> Keith Bainbridge

On boot, the system only knows paulf as a user. When it boots and mounts
the drive, it mounts it under the pi user. I don't know what wizardry
they use to accomplish this, but that's how it works. I'm not sure what
wizardry is used to make this happen, but I've now enshrined it in the
fstab file. Again, where the drive mounts is incidental to the original


Paul M. Foster

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