On Fri, 11 Dec 2020 at 23:19, Paul M Foster <pa...@quillandmouse.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 05:35:37PM +1100, Keith Bainbridge wrote:
> > On 11/12/20 1:42 pm, Paul M Foster wrote:

> On boot, the system only knows paulf as a user. When it boots and mounts
> the drive, it mounts it under the pi user. I don't know what wizardry
> they use to accomplish this, but that's how it works. I'm not sure what
> wizardry is used to make this happen, but I've now enshrined it in the
> fstab file. Again, where the drive mounts is incidental to the original
> question.

In case you don't know, the 'pi' user can be renamed to whatever you
want, so that might be an alternative way to reach your goal instead of
creating a separate 'paulf' user.

Method I used is here:

I used it successfully a while ago on a RPi 4, first release of its OS.
Below are my notes from doing that, I don't recall any other
information, I did it a while ago and am unaware of any problems.

exec sudo -s
(now root)
cd /
usermod -l david -d /home/david -m pi
/lib/systemd/systemd --user
kill 480 # looks like the above failed until I killed some process and retried
usermod -l david -d /home/david -m pi
groupmod -n david pi
now cant sudo
exec sudo -s
prompts for david password and accepts it
passwd to change david password, accepted

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