Reco (12020-12-21):
> You're right. Xorg is a server, any window manager on top of it is
> merely an X client (a special one, but an interchangeable client).
> Wayland is not a server, it's a set of protocols. An implementation of
> these protocols inherently provides a set of functions that are provided
> by window manager on top of X, X itself, panel, copy-paste to name a
> few.
> Running a window manager in Xwayland is theoretically possible, but
> practically it'll be worthless.

Being a server has nothing to do with allowing window managers or not,
it is just a kind of RPC; X11 is a protocol, but it is designed like an

The X11 Window system itself is very bare: windows are just plain
rectangles. The window manager is just an application like many others
that takes upon itself to add decorations on windows and move them

Nothing would prevent the same UI design with a non-client-server API
design. But obviously Wayland chose otherwise.

(Which is not surprising, since Wayland comes from Freedesktop, and
Freedesktop are awed by Apple's policy of restricting user choice for
the good of the user.)


  Nicolas George

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