On Sb, 02 ian 21, 04:35:59, The Wanderer wrote:
> / itself (excluding child filesystems) contains 23GB of data. 22GB of
> that is under /root. 17GB of *that* consists of backups of other
> data that isn't read-time-accessible to any other user - both because it
> isn't convenient to create the backup without that access, and because
> some of that data may be read-restricted for good reason and I don't
> want to put it somewhere more generally accessible in backed-up form any
> more than in its production form. Another 2.4GB of the 22GB is in a
> "packaging" subdirectory, and comes from an earlier point in my work
> with Debian packages, when there was a reason for part of the process to
> be done with root access.

Storing lots of stuff under /root is your choice.

In such a scenario I'd probably be using a separate /root partition or 
more likely just put that stuff somewhere else (on some data partition).

> /usr contains another 19GB.


> /boot contains only 137MB, and could definitely stand to be way, way
> less than 22GB in size.
> /tmp is irrelevant here because it gets wiped on every reboot, but I
> *have* actually managed to fill it up at least once; I'd probably make
> it bigger on a full from-scratch system rebuild.
That adds up to about 20 GiB, excluding /var.

> /var (which is part of my "data" LV, because of its tendency towards
> large size, even though apparently the installed system won't operate
> correctly without its exact contents and so it should properly go in the
> "system" LV) contains 247GB - but that includes at least three
> at-least-partial copies of the rest of the partition, from a recovery
> operation from when the RAID array failed, as well as a mass redownload
> of the damaged-at-array-failure-time contents of
> /var/cache/apt/archives/. After I subtract off those, however, the
> "real" size of that partition is still in the vicinity of 100GB (give or
> take about 5GB) - of which 94GB is under /var/cache/apt/archives/.
The size of the entire amd64 archive is 426 GB according to


As far as I understand that includes oldstable, stable, testing and 

How many package versions do you keep around?

Considering your /usr is 19 GiB a package cache with .deb files for all 
your installed packages should be significantly less than that[1].

> Add those up and you get at least 120GB, even excluding the 22GB of data
> under /root and the extra copies under /var.
> Maybe 1TB of space for the installed OS is excessive, although I'm not
> entirely convinced - but I don't see how you get away with 10GB, except
> in the very short term after installation.

Sorry, I was mistaken.

My laptop is indeed on a 30 GiB partition, but using only 14 GiB. I do 
(auto)clean the package cache more or less regularly though, even on 
unstable installs.

It's probably best to define what I mean by "installation". For me this 
means that if I were to install the same set of packages on a blank 
partition I would end up with about the same size.

100 GiB (excluding /home and other "data" storages) should be plenty.

[1] e.g. the .deb for firefox-esr on buster arm64 is 51,9 MiB whereas 
the Installed-Size is 197 MiB).

Kind regards,

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