On 2021-01-02 at 06:49, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

> On Sb, 02 ian 21, 06:28:24, The Wanderer wrote:
>> On 2021-01-02 at 05:58, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
>>> How many package versions do you keep around?

>>> My laptop is indeed on a 30 GiB partition, but using only 14 GiB.
>>> I do (auto)clean the package cache more or less regularly though,
>>> even on unstable installs.
>> That's a bit more sensible, although it still strikes me as fairly 
>> limiting in terms of how much can be installed.
> With all packages I need already installed I'm barely using 50%. How
> is that limiting?

In that you don't know what you may turn out to need to install later,
or how big that's going to be. I know of some *programs* which are
multiple gigabytes in size (though to be fair, they're all A: for
Windows or Mac, B: games, or C: both), and I'd hate to discover the need
to install them and not have enough capacity to do so.

ISTR having also once run out of space on / because of filling up /usr
(etc.) due to installed packages, again on a previous machine, and I
*definitely* don't want to risk doing *that* again.

>>> It's probably best to define what I mean by "installation". For
>>> me this means that if I were to install the same set of packages
>>> on a blank partition I would end up with about the same size.
>> That's roughly the definition I was using, yes.
>>> 100 GiB (excluding /home and other "data" storages) should be 
>>> plenty.
>> Yeah, if you'd given that figure initially I probably wouldn't have
>> even replied to begin with. It's less than I'd allocate, given the
>> disk sizes I have to work with, but it's well within sane ranges
>> for a sysadmin to choose even by my standards.
> I meant "plenty" as in "almost wasteful" ;)
> But then again, I'm used to getting by with limited storage space. I
>  could probably fit all my data in 1 TiB.

Whereas I'm more the pack-rat type. Even excluding the redundant copies
that I haven't properly unified from various past system-migration and
data-recovery scenarios, I have multiple TB of total data, some of it
decades old and irreplaceable.

Though the large majority of that isn't installed-system, it's
user-data, i.e. (quite properly) stored under /home.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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